Testing expedition tent in a snowstorm

128 days to Day 1

Camped two nights at Dinkey Peak.

We wanted to check our tent under heavy static stress and we got lucky. It was pretty big (for local standards) dump of wet snow overnight and our expedition tent passed the test. Had to get out at night and check the structure - the tent stood, with thick layer of wet snow on top and sides.

Lesson leaned: watch tent poles.
If accidentally dropped, they can travel over and then under the snow quite a distance. Although I knew this, I still managed to drop one and it was gone down the steep slope in less than one second. It was already dark, so we pitched the tent without it. Next morning, Vera spotted it sticking out 10 meters below us. So I lowered her on belay and she retrieved it: after being airbiorn like an bow arrow, it pierced hard layer of crust and stopped, only 20cm of it still sticking out.

One pole is gone...and odds of finding it next morning being <1%. Vera's attitude in such situations (not first time!) is amazing - still smiling!

50cm of snow coming! Our FRS radio can receive National Weather Service (NOAA NWR) 24-hour updates.


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